Saturday, September 27, 2008

Relax! back at one

Back at One - Brian McKnight

Books available in software!

Introduction to Proofs
New World Selection I
New World Selection II

Elementary Math word Problems (7th Grade)

12th grade—International Books
Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics
103 Trigonometry problems
104 Number Theory Problems
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985-2000
Hypercomplex Numbers in Geometry and Physics
IMO Competition 1959-2004
Mathematical Problems and Proofs, Kluwer Academic
Math Olympiad problems Collection, version 1
Math Olympiad Problems and Solutions from around the world 1995-1996
Topics in Inequalities - Theorems and Techniques (1st Edition), Hojoo Lee
Mathscope, Vietnamese journal
Math Excalibur
IMO Compedium

Good tips for Mathematics Olympiad participants!

The term "olympiad" is used generically to refer to a math contest in which students are asked not to compute numerical answers, but to give proofs of specified statements. (Example: "Prove that 2003 is not the sum of two squares of integers.") The most famous example is the International Mathematical Olympiad; most countries that participate at the IMO have national olympiads as part of their team selection process. Some areas have additional olympiads at the regional or local level.

The jump from short answers to olympiads is a tough one. Here are some tips for students making this transition.

Practice, practice, practice.

The only way to learn math is by doing.Proofs are essays. The better written a proof is, the more likely it is to be understood. Even such mundane things as grammar, spelling and handwriting are worth a bit of attention.

Define your terms. If you're going to use a word in a way that might not be commonly understood, define it precisely. Then stick to your definition!

Read the masters. No one ever learned how to do good mathematics in a vacuum. When you do practice problems, read the solutions even of the problems you solved.

There's more than one road. Different solutions can be equally valid; even when solutions agree in substance, differences in perspective can be significant and valuable.

It's not over when it's over. Don't hesitate to continue thinking about the problems on a contest after the time ends, or to discuss the problems with others.

Learn from your peers. They're smarter than you might have expected.

Learn from the past. Try to relate new problems to old ones; you may learn something from the similarities, or from the differences.

Patience. No one said this was easy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

let solve this classic theorem together...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OK so this is the first set problem for IMO 2009 students as well as for all young mathematicain. lolz.

1)Suppose there are seven coins, all with the same weight, and a counterfeit coin (fraud coin) that weights less than the others. How many weighings are necessary using a balance scale to determine which of the eight coins is the counter feit one? Give an algorithm for finding this counter feit coin.

Hint: the ans is only 2. lol

2) solve the same problem in case there are 11 coins and 1 counterfeit coin which is havier than others. (if possible try to solve the problem in case n coing and 1 lighter counterfeit coin)

OK here is the last one:

3) Each inhabitant of a remote village always tells the truth or always lies. A villager will only give a "yes" and "no" response to a question a tourist asks. Suppose you are a tourist visiting this area and come to a fork in the road. One branch leads to the ruins you wan to visit; the other branch leads deep into the jungle. A villager is standing at the fork in the  road. What the only ONE question you can ask the villager to determind which branch to take?

Hint: use logic lol, 

OH by the way smey, I have invented some java program that do some benefit job for math such as 
1 ) test whether a 9*9 table of an interger is a soduku or not. 
2) factorial a positive numbe for example : 60= [2^2].[3^1].[5^1]
dunno what else. lol just hope i can post on this website to reduce the time for calculation of math students. when i was in highschool if i want to factorial big number or test whether a number is prime or not it take so long. but now it take less than 1second lol.

Old generation

Ah finally there is such a blog. Thaks to dara_rasmey for creating this one. cool!

OK i am willing to contribute to this blog as well.
