Saturday, November 8, 2008

Starting the Blog

To all my respected senior members && friends who are willing to contribute to blog,

As having been viewing and posting some comments or post here together, I hope you all are commited to improve the math development in Cambodia together AS MUCH AS we can despite how busy we are. I do understand you are busy, that why I said AS MUCH AS possible. I am too busy with my university also, but I always spend some of the time i could to do sth useful for this blog such as posting, or sending some soft_copy of math book to dararasmey to share the member. I hope you all will think the way I do too, and i can see some of the senior like bong Sovanvichet even giving the book he wrote himself free. Thanks so much.

Now, the time won't wait. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery , but today is a gift. (Uqoi :)). So, let begin the first step of developing blog by simply planing what we will/ should do.

1)should it be a good idea to have problems solving challenging?

To encourage the incentive of solving the problems, I would suggest a policy of giving credit to all members who solve problem we post here ORIGINALLY (not copy from book). Giving credit mean that, whenever a member solve a problem we will get one credit or score added to the database of the respective member. By the end of each month/year/ or even more competitive , week. We would do sth that please the first three top persons with the highest credit. Unfornately, there is no online judge like programming, so i guess, some of our senior (can also be me) would be the judges for weekly posted problem.

2)Database system
 Any IT senior member who already study&& can write database? can Bong help me to write one to do the following job: store all member INFO?, add new member info, remove members, and other common task. I would say I can too, but I only use java and i'm just start Object Oriented Programming this semester, so not yet fluent. I would appreciate if any one can help me. 

3) Category && Disivions
 Moreover, it might be the time to think now how to divide the blog into subsection of grade. This might help the lower grade students/member to perform better. We can also divide post into, small topics, such as arithmetic, geometry, inequality, number theory, combinatorial problems and sth else.

That all the initial Ideas i could think of tonight.

SO what do all my friends and my respected senoir think? any more good idea or comments?
Bong, sovanvichet...., Bong dararith,...and Other senoir.... please together we find a good ways to promote mathematics velocity in this blog, as well as in cambodia, as it is all our goal despite of our busy time.

Younger,_senior member,
Pheng Sovanlandy

Friday, November 7, 2008

Recent added members!

There are totally 43 recent added member which include: grade 9 ( 2 members ), grade 10 ( 12 members ), grade 11 ( 19 members ), grade 12 ( 4 members ), year 1 ( 3 members ), year 2 ( 2 members ) and year 5 ( 1 member).

If you see your name as following meaning that you are now becoming our group member! Please comfirm your email since there were some errors with some your emails which we could not reach.

Chan Sopheaktra
Chea Laline
Chea Pumsakheyna
Chet Stravy
Chhun Vannkuthea
Chov Prelsor
Eang Utdomvattanak
Eap Vithyea
Hen Pisithkun
Heng Samnang
Hong Panha
Hout Samnang
Hun Dararithy
Huy Chandara
Khun Pisith
Leng Sivlyza
Lim Ouy
Lim Sobunnavath
Lov Kimtheng
Men Chanpheaktra

Mong Sorikrath
Mony Sorithisey
Nak Bunna
Nong Yonsothya
Norn Sereyrith
Ouch Kithya

Pen Nakry
Pen Vuthy
Phav Makara

Phon Pechchenda
Sam Sokpanya
Sarim Bonita
Seng Hour
Seng Kruy
Seng SovanMinea
So Sakakrona
Taing Uytry
Tang Monyreach

Tek Hangnita
Teng Vannara
Uk Chamnan
Vichet Pisey
Yan Kunthea

Being our member, you can have those available books in our group and further suggested books ( if possible ) by just leaving us comments or send us directly to our mail.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Korean Scholarship is available now!

This is a full scholarship for Cambodian students who have good personality and proper ability ( as requirement ) to study Bachelor degree in the major of Marinetime for 3 years in Korea Marinetime University in Busan, Korea. This scholarship is offered by SOMA group; 3 competent students will be selected.
Requirement :
_High School Diploma ( finished grade 12 )
_IELTS 5.5 ( minimum ) or equivalence
Deadline : 8 November 2008
Please contact us for more detail.
Please see this website :