Friday, November 7, 2008

Recent added members!

There are totally 43 recent added member which include: grade 9 ( 2 members ), grade 10 ( 12 members ), grade 11 ( 19 members ), grade 12 ( 4 members ), year 1 ( 3 members ), year 2 ( 2 members ) and year 5 ( 1 member).

If you see your name as following meaning that you are now becoming our group member! Please comfirm your email since there were some errors with some your emails which we could not reach.

Chan Sopheaktra
Chea Laline
Chea Pumsakheyna
Chet Stravy
Chhun Vannkuthea
Chov Prelsor
Eang Utdomvattanak
Eap Vithyea
Hen Pisithkun
Heng Samnang
Hong Panha
Hout Samnang
Hun Dararithy
Huy Chandara
Khun Pisith
Leng Sivlyza
Lim Ouy
Lim Sobunnavath
Lov Kimtheng
Men Chanpheaktra

Mong Sorikrath
Mony Sorithisey
Nak Bunna
Nong Yonsothya
Norn Sereyrith
Ouch Kithya

Pen Nakry
Pen Vuthy
Phav Makara

Phon Pechchenda
Sam Sokpanya
Sarim Bonita
Seng Hour
Seng Kruy
Seng SovanMinea
So Sakakrona
Taing Uytry
Tang Monyreach

Tek Hangnita
Teng Vannara
Uk Chamnan
Vichet Pisey
Yan Kunthea

Being our member, you can have those available books in our group and further suggested books ( if possible ) by just leaving us comments or send us directly to our mail.


Jupiter said...

Gosh quite alot. lolz.
Welcome to our new blog.

Anyway haven't seen my brother on list.


Have fun new members!

Best Regard,
Retired highschooler,

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like you guys are doing real good here !

Congratulation and keep up the good work!!! I've been following up with your group work and achievement so far. Thanks to Smey for "accidently" let that information leak to me here in Canada lolz... nah nah, I'm just kidding. He's been doing real hard in promoting this group and the math book. So you can't imagine that he gave out the news accidentally = ) ...

I don't know math as much as you guys do, that's certain. I used to have passion for it, but the lack of resources and supports really discouraged me to go on. and that's why we need this group of people to help out !!!

Big hug from your old friend and hopefully I can be any help in the future !!!


Muygech said...

oh my gosh!! why everyone turn all good to him only???? i'm here to help him as well.. bong Mei.. unfair lol...


Anonymous said...

lol... Mg, I didn't just refer to him ! I selflessly referred to all people from the group la .. lol.. and that includes you as well !! lolz... don't get all annoyed now .. hehe.. = )


M.G said...

i'm kidding lol... it can b seen that smey worked quite hard.. give him all lol..
